Saturday, March 21, 2009


We just took our girls out of town for a few days for a last minute spring break trip. Everyone had a great time. Weird thing about vacationing with children, they really seem to have a much better vacation than we adults. Why is that? Could it be the packing, unpacking, working out all the little details to make sure everyone's needs are met, etc? Hmm. I really did have a good time but I can't seem to help feeling like since I got back I need a big nap.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Daylight savings time

Whoever thought of daylight savings time was not a mother. Everytime we adjust the clocks we also have to work hard to readjust our children's internal clocks. That means beside my own adjustments, I have to help five little people adjust to the "new" time as well.

I read online it started as a way to save energy. Ok, so we don't use as much energy in the evening. When I wake up in the dark I still need energy. I would hate to try to navigate throughout the house without the use of a lightbulb or two. In fact in the morning I tend to be more mobile about the house thus using more lights. In the evening I am generally more likely to stay put in one room for awhile. Of course, no one called me and asked my opinion. I would have been happy to share. I say pick a time and leave it alone. Let our bodies adjust once and for all. Keep it simple and avoid the complication. Life is full of adjustments; here's one we could avoid.

Chevy . . .

I had a revelation last night. Another reason I'm the perfect mom to be picked to drive the Chevy Traverse for the local radio station. We are a Chevy family! We have three vehicles and, you guessed it, all three are Chevys! Two are people haulers. One is a 7 passenger van and the other is a 12 passenger van. This allows for bringing along a few extra friends or just all the extra kid stuff you need for a vacation. This past summer I got a new Malibu. It's for those times when I'm driving to an appointment for work. I also use it on those days when I'm not hauling all five girls. It's a fun car and much easier on the gasoline budget than the larger vehicles.

As you can see we're the perfect family to be Chevy spokespeople. Now, if only the judges agree!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why am I here?

Ok, I've got to level with anyone who might happen upon this blog. Although I've read a few blogs in my time, even followed one or two, I've never written my own. But my motive is a simple one. I needed a blog to enter contest Not just any contest. The prize for this one is to drive a Chevy Traverse for eight weeks. The local radio station is looking for moms. Ok, I have kids. In fact, I have FIVE GIRLS. I also drive, ALOT. Seven days a week. Six of those days are spent driving my five lovely girls to their activities. So what have I got to lose? And, it might be fun. Stay tuned!

Adventures of "Mom"

I just named my page and then paused to think "adventures", do I really have adventures? Well I guess I do. Although I would have to admit most of my adventures come via my five girls. A home with five girls is never without an adventure or at least an estrogen surge.

My life is varied. In addition to motherhood, I am an educator, a trainer, a recruiter, a child advocate, and an artistic soul. I love to create both figuratively and literally. I also love to be busy. Something I sometimes complain about, my busy life, but certainly one that was created by my own hands. First, the simple fact I have five children. How many people have five children these days? And when you have five children you by nature, invite chaos. But chaos has always been a part of my adult life and must be something I enjoy.

I love to see my girls pursue their interests and dreams. This, in itself, creates an even busier life. Our entire family regularly visits the library. As well, nearly every day of the week at least one of the children has a dance class, or new to the line up a martial arts class. Unfortunately, these are not activities that are within a mile or two of our house so we spend a decent amount of time traveling to and fro to our activities. We try to be as green as possible, driving the smallest vehicle when the crowd is small and driving the mammoth beast only when the crowd size necessitates. Fact in six to seven people and the "stuff" neccessary for the activity and you'll understand why we don't ride our bikes. (However, my husband does commute to work via a bicycle except when preciptation is present).

I'll be back soon to add more words but for now I'm just getting started.